Landing page – it’s a one-page website, the main purpose of which is to encourage users to do a certain target action. For example, to buy a product, to order service, to register on event, to subscribe on email etc. The main rule of landing page it’s one page, one offer and one action. The main part of landing page it’s call to action button (CTA).

Because of its simplicity, such pages are the best solution to attract targeted traffic and enhance advertising effectiveness. Therefore, if you want to increase the conversion and reduce the cost of it, or focus on one product or service, landing page is the best solution.

As we already said, the main goal of a landing pages – to increase conversion, promoting users to do the action, what you need. This action must match with users request which he search in the search bar and clicked on your ad.

So, 5 main types of target action, which you can get with the help of landing page

Selling a specific product or service — a landing page for this purpose helps to focus attention on a specific offer. So, the user will not get lost on your website or in the online store, will immediately pay attention to the benefits and be able to easily buy or leave a request. Also, this target action suit for the presentation of a new product (for example, «Apple» makes separate landing pages for the release of each new gadget).

Let's say right away: if you have a lot of products/services, and you want to sell them all, then nothing prevents you from creating several landing pages at once. Moreover, using the Solomoto landing pages builder you can make and publish an unlimited number of landing pages.

Announcement of events, webinars, concerts, etc. - the landing page for a single event allows you not to overload your main resource for sales, present the advantages of the event and attract more audience to it.

Data collection of potential customers (phone numbers, emails etc.) - you will have a list of addresses to which you will send news, promotions, information about new products, etc. Don’t forget to give a special bonus to client for sharing the email with you (for example, promise to send special discounts, useful video, e-book, discount for the first purchase, etc.)

Testing a new marketing offer –  if you want to add some new offer on your main website, but not sure if it helps your sales, you can test it with the help of landing page.

Audience segmentation – this kind of landing will be good for a big company, who want to attract not just clients, but also new partners and employees. Of course, you can add the “Jobs” page to the main website, but, firstly, your potential colleagues will not be able to find it (and if there is a landing page, they will immediately get to the right place), and, secondly, it’s not a fact that your customers need this information.

What the difference between landing page and website?  

Firstly, landing should always be devoted to one thing – this way users can perform the action you need and will not get lost in the information. Remember that the key to effective landing page is your understanding of "what" and "to whom" you are selling, as well as "what benefit the client will receive from the action he has taken" (purchases, newsletter subscriptions, requests, etc.).

Secondly, all information should be placed just on the one page. Don’t worry that your landing will be too long, if you have a lot of important information -if it interesting and answers to important questions, then it will be read to the end.

And thirdly, landing page should have a short, informative and selling headlines, several CTAs (subscription, purchase buttons, feedback forms or application forms) and a simple but clear design (splitting information into separate blocks with a complete thought).

How to create landing page by yourself?

With help of Solomoto landing pages builder! We have special templates for landing pages, which motivate users to do a target action, which you need.  Just choose a template, add your own content and publish it! We highly recommend to you to create several landings at once. In this way you can compare the results in statistics and analyze which landing is more effective.

We wish you a high conversion!