Last week we significantly upgraded our search ads tool so that you may launch even more effective ads on Google and Bing – the 2 world’s largest search engines.   

We’ve reworked every part of the search ads creation process and eventually have created a completely new Wizard for creating search ads – more functional, more convenient and more intuitive than ever!

Features & enhancements added:

- Multiple ad groups. Most businesses need to promote different products, product categories or different services which may require slightly different keywords or ad creatives. Now in your search ad campaigns in Solomoto you can create separate ad groups for each product/service with different keywords and ad creatives. All inside one ad campaign so that your budget is optimized between ad group.

Hint: using multiple ad groups increases ads effectiveness by 40-50% on average.

ads on google & bing

- Ad creatives variations. It may be confusing to figure out the best message for your ad from the very start. The way out is creating a few different ones! Each variation may promote different values and advantages of your product or company and using all of them will increase your chances of finding the most effective ones. Now in Solomoto you may add several ad creatives variations to every ad group to find your winning ads.

- Negative keywords.  Are there words that turn a search query into irrelevant to your business. Now you may prevent your ads from being displayed for it by adding it as a negative keyword. Adding negative words such as “free”, “job”, “image” will prevent irrelevant ads impressions & clicks and therefore save your budget!

- Link extensions. You may now add several link extensions to your ad creative. This may give your audience more information on your business on the step of viewing your ad and (what is probably even more important) make your ads visually stand out from your competitors ads.

-Tips & Help. Every step of your work with search ads is now coming along with a super useful tip from our digital marketing team which will help you set up more effective ads and get more knowledge on what’s important while advertising online.    

Launch Google & Bing ads now

We’ve also updated our Help center articles for Search Ads Wizard. Now you may read in depth about every setting, how it works and why it matters.