Do you use the website builder on Solomoto or are you making due without it? In any case, we have great news: we have implemented several impressive changes that will expand your capabilities and make working with the site more comfortable.

Firstly, we added a landing page builder - now you can create not only a site, but also a landing page - a landing page for attracting a greater number of clients through advertising campaigns.

Secondly, now all your sites, as well as their visitor statistics, domains and SEO settings will be displayed on one page, which means it will be even more convenient to work with them.

And thirdly (which is equally important), we added several new functions and changes to the main builder, so that website creation is an easy and fast process.

But wait, there’s more:

Landing Pages builder

Now, for one business you can create one main site and an unlimited number of landing pages.

Often the site is used to post information about the company, services, products - it is a kind of your company face on the Internet. With Solomoto you can create a site with an unlimited number of pages. You can also connect to the site shop.

Landing Page is a one-page website used to increase the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign. The task of the landing page is to accomplish a specific target action, that is, by setting up advertising for a specific category of goods or services, it is more efficient to use landing page.

Our team of marketers and designers has developed special templates for landing pages that motivate the user to perform a specific target action. Depending on your tasks, you will be able to choose the template that is most suitable for your purposes, be it a purchase, enrollment for a service, a collection of contacts, etc. Create and advertise multiple landing pages at the same time to compare the results in statistics and analyze which landing variant is more effective!

All sites on one page

For the convenience of working with your sites and landings, we added a separate page, where, in addition to the list of sites, statistics of site visits will be also displayed (all visitors, new visitors, unique visitors), your domains and SEO settings of the site. At the moment only the site settings will be displayed in the SEO tool. You can set up SEO for landing pages in the editor in the page settings.

Changes in the website builder

Moving widgets easier - now, to move the widget on the site, simply hold it with the left mouse button and drag it to the necessary place.

Opening tool settings by clicking - to open the widget settings, click on it. To switch to text editing mode, or to open quick settings, double-click on the widget.

Check buttons and links on the site  - you can check the buttons and links on your future site on the Preview page

New widget “Space” - to quickly add padding between widgets, you can now use the space widget. Widget "Space" is configured for mobile and PC versions separately. You can also hide it in one of the versions, copy, add an anchor and move, like all other widgets.

Event label for each button - the event label added to each button allows you to track user actions on your site. By default, the name of the event is set as the sequence number of the button on your site - you can always change it. To change the name of the button event label, you need to go to the settings of this button and enter in the “Event label” field the name of this button, which will be displayed in your Google Analytics office. To set up events for the button in the feedback form, you need to go to form editing and open the “General Settings” tab.

Publishing the site to own subdomain - now you can buy only one domain and publish an unlimited number of landing pages on it. This can be done with the help of subdomains, which can be created without restrictions on the purchased and registered domain name. Subdomains can be used to delimit content on separate sections of the main site, as well as to host other sites on them.Most often, subdomains are used for multifunctional online resources and websites of large companies - such a system greatly simplifies the administration of sites.

Create Website and Landing Page now