Why didn't my site appear in search engine results automatically after publication?

Every day, thousands of websites appear on the Internet, and most of them aim to occupy an honorable space at the top of search engine results for a variety of key queries. These expectations are not always the reality, often causing issues to arise from the very start.

"Why isn't my site appearing in search engine results after hitting 'publish'?" - this is perhaps one of the most frequent questions that we face every day. So we’ll share the reality of this predicament with you.


The first reason is quite simple: Search Engines need time to crawl and find the new site.


Let me provide some background information about the way search engines work.


The search engine does not take information on your request automatically and from wherever you send it for immediate processing.

All sites that are issued by the search engine for a particular query are the result of massive amounts of data collection.

The search engine has a staff of virtual robots (crawlers), who daily roam (crawl) on the web and collect information about the new sites and updates the information on the old site, writing over it.


Technically, the robot moves from site to the site through the links and thus goes through a huge number of sites, collecting information about them (as well as updating information about the sites it has already seen previously).

Of course, the robot cannot simply get to your site in a matter of a few hours!

Usually, it takes several days or a couple of weeks. The amount of time is something that can be influenced by you, but you can find out more in this article about what SEO is.


If you are not looking to spend the time learning how to optimize your site for search engines, Solomoto has tools and services that will do so on your behalf! Register for free and find out more so your business can start getting found by the right leads.